We aim to provide the best possible products and services. However, we are aware that despite our commitment, things may not always go as planned. We take complaints very seriously at Tokio Marine Canada Ltd. and aim to handle them to your satisfaction in a quick and efficient manner.
Step 1: Contact your Brokers, Agent, Underwriter, Sales Representative or Other Intermediary
We aim to provide the best possible products and services. However, we are aware that despite our commitment, things may not always go as planned. We take complaints very seriously at Tokio Marine Canada Ltd. and aim to handle them to your satisfaction in a quick and efficient manner.
Step 2: Escalate to a Manager
If your complaint is not resolved after completing Step 1, you can request your broker, agent, underwriter, sales representative or other intermediary to escalate your complaint to a manager of the relevant business unit within Tokio Marine Canada Ltd., who will review the complaint and may contact you to gather additional information.
Step 3: Escalation to the Ombudsperson
If your complaint is not resolved by a manager, you may contact the Tokio Marine Canada Ltd. Ombudsperson at any time by emailing or writing to: along with a summary of your complaint, the reasons you feel your complaint has not been resolved by Steps 1 and 2, all relevant supporting documentation, and your desired outcome.
Upon receiving your complaint, the Ombudsperson will send you a written acknowledgement within five (5) business days and will then proceed to conduct an independent and fair review of your complaint. The Ombudsperson will contact you if additional information is required, and once all relevant information is obtained, will undertake to reach a final decision within thirty (30) business days. Depending on the complexity of the issue, the Ombudsperson may not be able to reach a final decision within this timeframe, in which case we will contact you to provide you with an estimated timeline for resolution. Upon completion of the Ombudsperson’s investigation, the Ombudsperson will send you a written response setting out their justifying reasons or explaining that more time is necessary and why. Once the Ombudsperson provides a final decision, your file will be considered closed. In order to reopen the file, you will be required to provide new information and/or relevant documentation for further consideration.
Step 4: External Recourse
If after following our complaint resolution process you remain dissatisfied with the Ombudsperson’s written response and wish to pursue your complaint further, you may choose to:
Contact an independent third-party dispute resolution entity:
General Insurance OmbudService (GIO)
4711 Yonge Street, 10th Floor
Toronto, ON M2N 6K8
Toll Free Telephone: 1-877-225-0446